Dear Atheist:

I’ve had many conversations with folks of your persuasion over the years, and from my experience I have gathered a few things which I would like to address. All I ask is that you hear me out on this and consider what I have to say as something genuine and from the heart. This is not an attack on atheism or atheists. I just want to lay this out for you to read.

As a Christian who not only believes in and loves Yahweh, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but also truly wants to learn about the world around him, I enjoy talking to people of various viewpoints, including viewpoints opposed to mine. Yes, even people who don’t believe in my God, or any other god for that matter.

However, the vast majority of atheists do not make this easy. Most atheists with whom I converse (either in person or via internet) lose no time in sneering at my beliefs and making it clear that they think I’m an imbecile for holding them. I would like to point out that deliberately telling the other person they are stupid is no way to hold an intelligent discussion. Atheists hold intelligence in high regard, but why is it so many of you refuse to observe the most basic guidelines for intelligent debate? Degrading your opponent is no way to win them over to your way of thinking, make your case, or demonstrate your superior intellect. In all honesty, it makes you look immature. It degrades you, not your opponent.

This includes all snide references to “the flying spaghetti monster” and “zombie Jesus”. And what is with the apparently favored epithet by atheists: “F***tard”? Really? Not only is it a pointless and meaningless word, but it makes the user come across as a six-year-old who, for lack of a valid argument, strings together two of the most hurtful words in his emaciated vocabulary and throws them out in a weak attempt to win. Once I hear or see that and similar nonsensical insults, I turn off my ears. I’m done listening. The way I see it, if that’s the best a person can offer, they have nothing at all.

Another thought regarding name calling: How would I come across if I kept calling you “idolater”, “blasphemer”, and “infidel”? You’d chalk me up as a mindless fanatic with nothing more than baseless beliefs and an arsenal of impotent labels, wouldn’t you? Well, guess what: Same goes for you. If you can’t or won’t engage in a respectful, thoughtful discussion, but throw labels, insults, crude epithets, and sneers, you come across as someone who has nothing more to support his atheism than an angry, petulant insistence that because he doesn’t WANT God to exist, God must not be allowed to exist.

Also, the atheists in my experience are champions at interrupting. I can’t count how many times I’ve been in the midst of an explanation, only to be cut off — quite rudely — with a half-cocked counterargument, often laced with the usual vitriol. I get the impression that my opponent wants to overpower me through sheer force of will, rather than examine opposing ideas with fairness and reason. The atheist doesn’t seem to be interested in proving his case so much as winning by any means. This also is hardly an element of intelligent debate. I would have thought people enamored of human intellect and reason would have that down as one of their foundational principles. Even your hero, Voltaire, understood this concept.

And don’t keep telling me I “don’t know s*** about science”. I happen to enjoy science, though I will grant you I haven’t made it my primary topic of study as an atheist might. But you won’t hear me proclaim you “don’t know s*** about the Bible”. I will allow that many atheists have studied the Bible so as to better arm themselves against its believers. But just as the science-centric atheist may have a deeper understanding of theoretical quantum physics than I, you can probably bet your bottom dollar I know more about hermeneutics, exegesis, eschatology, and Biblical Law than that same atheist. And so what? Do we just sit there and rub our superior understanding of our respective topics in each others’ faces? Does it mean one person is more intelligent than the other? Of course not! It’s just a matter of where each person has devoted the majority of his or her study and focus. I could actually learn about quantum physics and so forth from an atheist. I have no problem with that. If nothing else, it helps me understand where the atheist is coming from. Likewise, if the atheist will hold back on the snotty attitude and insults, he as well might figure out where I’m coming from, and maybe even learn something from this dumb Christian. (Unthinkable, I know, but humor me here.) The advantages could be huge.

I have debated people across the entire spectrum of religious and political affiliation. Liberals and conservatives, Catholics and Presbyterians, Democrats and Republicans, libertarians and anarchists. I have had far better luck in having a calm, intelligent debate — and even parting amicably — with people in these categories than I have with atheists. When an atheist is involved, it becomes a no-holds-barred, gloves-off contest of emotions and anger. What happened to maturity? If you really want to impress me with your superior intellect, stop making yourself odious and try to be civil. Then we might actually get somewhere.

And why is it you are so hellbent on disproving the Christian God? Granted, you say you believe in no god or deity at all, but it seems you have a much bigger bone to pick with the Christian God than with the Jewish god, the Muslim god, the Hindu gods, the Buddhist gods, etc. Atheists in general spend far more time attacking Christianity than any other religion in the world. That’s more of an observation than a complaint, since Christianity has always had its detractors and always will. I’ve come to accept that. But for the sake of consistency one would think you’d be just as eager to attack adherents of other religions, too. Could it be Christianity and its moral laws pose the greatest threat to you? Just a thought.

Now for the disclaimer: I am not saying all atheists fit the above description. I do not mean to offend or anger anyone. What I have described above comes from my own personal experience. I would like to believe I simply have yet to encounter that respectful, calm atheist who can actually debate without resorting to cheap tactics.. But given my experiences to date, I don’t have much hope.

Maybe you’ll read this and rethink the way you handle discussions with us “religious” folks.

Until Next Time,